
Thank you for visiting my site. Please don’t mistake the self-named page for egotism. It’s only pragmatism: my attempt to help people find me and inform them about my writing, if they are interested. Those of a certain age (like my Baby Boomer target audience) have trouble recalling names; I’m betting they do even worse with book titles!

In any event, however you may have arrived, welcome. You won’t find anything resembling dystopian fantasy here.  I’ve been told my topics are not commercial, and that books like mine will never sell. Maybe so. They relate to families living in the real world, which can be dark and frightening enough. My goal is to present material that you will recognize, maybe identify with, and possibly think about. Perhaps you’ll be entertained, moved, or even encouraged to hang in there in this challenging game of life, no matter what comes your way. But if you’re offended in any way, I apologize in advance.

Buy Love’s Not Over ’til It’s Over